Let’s talk deferrals. While it’s not the BEST news, it’s also not the worst. It means MAYBE, not yet, let me see. Remember that colleges are all about yield protection – they want to say yes to students who will also say yes to them. It’s a lot like a dating game. The massive surge in the number of applications definitely leads to more deferrals. Also, I remember hearing about a major university that over-admitted one year and had to house students in hotels. Let’s just say, parents and students weren’t thrilled about it.

If you’ve been deferred, it’s definitely not game over. In fact, there are several things you can do. Definitely follow the college’s instructions. If a prompt or process is provided, follow it! And respond quickly. Some deferred students will hear back sooner than others, and showing them you care does matter. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach and varies by institution, but here are some tips on how to make your appeal count:


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