It’s no secret that the pandemic has crushed activities, jobs, sports, and lots more. Students are often frustrated when drafting their activity lists, and I decided to start a conversation about how to pivot safely during a time with intense restrictions. A student’s activities do become a key part of his/her story when applying to college. The activity section – you typically report 8-10 total – tells colleges how you spent the past FOUR years, so I do recommend thinking about what this piece of your story will tell. There’s no need to stress, and everyone is in the same situation during the pandemic, but I hope this post will help you to think about how you might get involved.

I’ve been so inspired by hearing the stories of how many students PIVOTED to find unique ways to give back to the community, stay involved, create new ventures, beat the boredom, find unique virtual opportunities, and more! Recently, I invited a Student Panel of 10 “rockstars” to talk about their unique pivots to inspire other students to find THEIRS at a free event – “Pandemic Activity Pivots.” We heard about some exciting community service projects – collecting diapers, delivering letters and meals to seniors, creating inspirational bracelets for frontline workers and pediatric patients, and writing a book inspired by social justice.

And we heard about baking and playing more chess after watching Queen’s Gambit; performing in virtual shows; teaching younger dancers; building a neighborhood bike obstacle course; and interviewing medical professionals. And it was thrilling to hear about students who launched new business ventures – tie-dying clothes, popping popcorn for charity, selling ice cream and cookies, breeding and selling bugs (yes, true!), and producing videos.

Here are some additional ideas for you to consider if you’re searching for ways to get involved:

  • Do what you LOVE! Several of our student panelists shared that following your passion is important. I agree! Don’t do things “because they’ll look good on a college application.” Do things that matter to YOU!
  • Google 🙂 is your best friend. Search “virtual community service opportunities” or ANYTHING of interest to YOU! So many companies and nonprofits have pivoted very well to the virtual format, and there are tons of things you can do to support your community in a safe, socially distanced, meaningful way!
  • Colleges love “deep dives” – so if you love soccer, think about teaching younger kids, collecting sports equipment for a local charity, following podcasts about the sport.
  • Take a free Ivy League class in an area of interest to you! Great article here on how to find. Also, Coursera has a huge number of free, self-paced classes.
  • Ask your high school guidance department about virtual opportunities. Many schools have a coordinator for community service who would also be a great way to find ways to plug in. In Moco, we have “SSL – Student Service Learning,” and many schools have someone who approves the hours you give. Ask her/him for ideas!
  • Love to travel? No passport required 🙂 to explore our world virtually. Check out this list of “30 Free Virtual Tours Around the World” I published on my mom blog, The MomTini Lounge.

Again, SAFETY FIRST! Masks and social distancing are essential, but isn’t it wonderful that you can do good deeds right from the comfort of your own home? Go for it!

My “Pandemic Activity Pivots” event was free, and I shared that I’ll be donating my time to College Tracks, an organization that helps first-generation-to-college students on their college journey. I look forward to helping students find and amplify their best voices. If you’re looking to donate to a great cause, consider College Tracks!

Students – I may interview another panel this spring – fill out this form if you’ve pivoted and want to talk about it!

Classes! I’ve announced my 1Q classes and have one POWER HOUR dedicated exclusively to “Reporting Your Activities.” (Can you tell I think activities are important? 🙂 ) Info/fees here.



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